Before discussing the significance of tooth replacement, let’s first answer the most frequently asked question: what exactly are dental implants in Bedford? During the surgical replacement of injured or missing natural teeth, a dental implant which is a tiny but incredibly robust titanium alloy screw is employed. For the screw to securely fasten the false teeth or other dental prosthetics to the jaw, it must be drilled into the jawbone.
In addition to supporting loose, removable dentures, implants are additionally an option to replace lost or broken teeth. Now that you are aware of what a dental implant is, it is time to examine why it is crucial to replace missing or severely damaged teeth.
Top 3 reasons why dental implants are necessary for the missing tooth
- Appearance
As insignificant as it may seem to somebody who has all of their teeth, even one lost tooth can cause us to experience significant mental distress. We’re all a little self-conscious to varied degrees, and it undermines our confidence.
- Dental Health
The equilibrium of your whole dental structure changes as soon as a single tooth is gone. Even the most typical, everyday eating can cause the gap to widen, causing the remaining teeth to move and tilt—especially those closest to the gap.
- Comfort
If all of your teeth are present, you probably have not realised how it seems when a particularly tough piece of food becomes wedged between the revealed root of a missing molar and an already present one.
Let’s simply acknowledge that it isn’t a very pleasant experience, and when it happens practically every single time you try to eat, it’s not uncommon to see people give up meat and other formerly beloved food sources to get relief from the constant pain and suffering.
Someone who is lacking teeth can experience a significant change in their quality of life when using a dental prosthesis and the right dental implant to support them. But the procedure must be done by a reputable organisation, like M & N Dental Practice. Because this is a complicated surgical process and much depends on the ability of the dentist(s) involved, it is preferable to avoid taking any chances. The positive aspect involves the fact that dental implants are successful most of the time.
Your self-confidence might be negatively impacted by severely damaged or missing teeth. Our Bedford dentists at M & N Dental Practice can collaborate with you to provide a long-lasting solution. Visit our website and contact us to book your appointment today.